Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Memorial Day was a beautiful, perfect day in this neck of the woods. Daddy had to work so Jace, Mommy, and Lexa spent most of the day chilling outside, riding bikes, and playing in the dirt and the pool.

Both rugrats love to watch and 'help' Mommy cook. They really do...can't you tell by the excitement on their faces??

Mommy is reconsidering her undying love of Huggies. You may recall a diaper blowout mentioned recently. Well, many more have ensued. Actually there has been at least 1/day for a while now. This is yesterday:

Outfit numero uno:



Missy did make it through the rest of the day in the same clothes and Mommy quickly bought stock in Tide.

Pampers may be on the grocery list for next week.

Mommy digresses.

After Daddy got home it was time to get the fire pit ready for Lexa's first bonfire.
Jace was a super helper and chopped some of the wood with Daddy.

Lexa was infatuated with the fire. A little strange.

What is a bonfire without smores??

Jace could only think of the Hersey bar...ok so could Mommy

This picture is just weird. Looking through the fire....

This pic cracked Mommy up because it was supposed to be of Jace roasting his own marshmallow....however, if you look closely you can see that he desperately has to pee and Mommy is in her usual 'feeding' position in the background.

This is still ensemble #1 today....but from the look on her face, it may not last long!!


abbie ashby said...

Is outfit numero uno the one that Emmie bought?

Jace and Lexa said...

It sure is! I was going to tell you that on Facebook. She looked so cute in it....until the poopy! :)