Monday, June 14, 2010

Until later.....

Mommy, Jacer, Lexa, Ozzy, and even Daddy are headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for a few days. There is a lot on the agenda so expect nothing but tons of pictures upon their return. They have 2 new babies to meet. Jace and Daddy have to go fishing and play in the dirt at Grandpa's farm. Mommy and Daddy are going to a Zac Brown Band concert. Mommy is running in her first post-baby 5k with Fabulous Aunt Kay. Oh, and Grandma gets to try and babysit for more than a 1 hour stretch. That could be interesting. Mommy has been trying to get Miss Lexa to drink out of a sippy cup since the bottle is a no go. Very interesting indeed.

Until later...a few pictures to tide you over.

Seriously make me do this tummy time business and then you take pictures?

Showing off her legs...please no thigh comments..Mommy thought Lexa would appreciate a longer skirt to avoid them!

Mommy and Jace's self-portrait. Jace is super in to having his picture taken suddenly. Yesterday at Old Navy, he was petting the fake dog and said, "Mommy, take my picture." Mommy has created a monster!

Daddy isn't gonna like this one. Put your dress down Missy!

Go Cubs! And go Lexa....she has slept in her crib the last 2 nights!!

Jacer showing off his art project he made at the library.