Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jace and Lexa's Adventures

Ok, they are really just Jace's adventures but Lexa is always along for the ride!

So Jace and Lexa had planned a trip to Nana and Papa's Wednesday to check out the zoo and spend time with Uncle Chuck and Nana and Papa. Turns out 90 degrees with humidity is no good for a 3-month old. So, an alternate plan was devised. And extremely successful.

Monkey Joes! Jace's newest favorite activity. If only it wasn't 2 hours away! Basically it was a building full of bouncy houses. Jace was first in a bouncy house at Gaiges birthday party last year. He was a little bit of a maniac that night but Mommy didn't think much of it. Until yesterday. All Mommy kept saying was, "is that really my child"???? Jace has really become more daring in the last few months and has lost much of his wimpiness (sorry to adult Jace reading this in 20 years but you kind of were). Anyway, seeing him have so much fun with so little inhibition was wonderful (and somewhat reminiscent of Mommy's college days!).

Climbing up....

Getting air!

More air....AND no hands!

This is what Lexa thought of Monkey Joes.

After sweating his cute little hair flat, Jace gathered enough energy to meet Nana and Papa for some grub.

Papa was egging this on a bit but Jace was loving giving Nana some big, wet spagetti kisses.

Funny picture. Notice the family enjoying ice cream. But wait? There is an empty car seat. And where is Mommy? Ah yes, that is Mommy's ice cream melting away as she feeds Lexa. In the car. Again. And lamely takes a picture of everyone else.

So, Jace and Lexa were pretty tuckered out after a long day of bouncing (and eating in Lexa's case) but as Mommy always says...there is no rest for the weary!

Thursday was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a day at the petting zoo with some buddies.

Jaxon, Gaige, and Jace posing nicely for a picture. Quite a task for 3 crazy boys!

Jace was petting this puppy and telling him, "Don't be sad. Your Daddy is just at work."

Jacer, feeding the horses a carrot.

Jace and Gaige feeding the pigs.

Mommy didn't notice this at the time but it appears that Jace is pulling this poor baby's tail.

The last pictures have absolutely no relevance to the rest of this post but they crack Mommy up.

Lexa figured out how to grab Jace's ear. And pull.

Being the nice, tolerant brother, he just smiled. But check out Lexa's evil grin!