Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's been a while!

The crew has finally returned! Actually Daddy and Bubba came home Friday so Daddy could bring home the bacon.

Speaking of Daddy...Happy Father's Day! Daddy and Jacer have the best relationship....they are actually best friends. Just ask Jace. They love having guy time and doing tons of things together. Daddy and Lexa have a little different relationship but one that Lexa surely loves. Nobody else in the world tells her how pretty she is 95 times per day! Yep, Jace and Lexa are pretty lucky....and Ozzy too!

Happy Father's Day to Grandpa F., Grandpa Steve, and Papa Cook as well. You are all so wonderful to Jace and Lexa and they truly love you!

Ok, back to the trip. It was tons of fun!! Jace and Lexa got to meet Ashlan who is Cousin Tracy's new baby. They also got to meet Cameron who is Mommy's good friend Julie's baby. Jace was infatuated with both of them. Weird, considering he has his very own baby at home. Anyway, he couldn't get enough and is still talking about them.

One of the highlights of the trip was the day at Grandpa's Farm. Daddy caught about 100 fish (no kidding...well maybe not quite) and a killer sunburn. Jace caught 3 fish all by himself!! Mommy, Grandma, and Lexa mostly hung out in the shade but Lexa did break out the bikini (proof below).

Mommy ended up running her 5k (wink, wink fellow runners) in fairly decent time. Grandma had Lexa for over 3 hours (no it didn't take Mommy that long to run)!!! This is the longest Mommy has been away and Lexa suspiciously didn't need to eat?? Yeah, Mommy is being played! She secretly kind of likes it though!

Jacer was able to swim over at Cameron's Grandma and Grandpa's. He and Mommy splashed around for a while without a problem! Hopefully Jace's water woes are fading! Miss Lexa decided to show off a little for Cameron and took a quick dip in her diaper. All the official details of their arranged marriage are still being worked out but Mommy definitely got several good pictures for the wedding video!

So, on to the pictures!! Enjoy!

Jace and Grandpa riding the tractor around the lake.

Poor Reggie. Jace and Mommy thought it would be fun to try some of Lexa's bows on him!

Naked Lexa loving her time at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Mommy and Jace swimming at Julie's.

Lexa taking her turn.

Check out that bikini!

Daddy is hilarious!

Lexa and her handsome beau Cameron relaxing by the pool.

Lexa and Ashlan chilling on the floor. Isn't she the cutest little peanut.

Lexa and Cameron on a lunch date. Don't they look fabulous together?

Lexa figured she would make the first move and grabbed Cameron's hand. Or was it the other way around....

Ok, in this one Cameron is clearly yelling 'Cooties'!

Lexa and Grandma at the farm...after they finally found some shade!

Jace was playing the piano while Lexa and Cameron bonded.

Jace and Daddy during their good luck fishing venture (or maybe it was skill).

Jace and Mommy demonstrating proper bottle form to Lexa. Didn't work.

Grandpa and Jace at the KC's for chicken.

And that would be it!!