Sunday, June 6, 2010

Little Miss is 3-Months old!!!

Missy is 3 months old today!! Mommy is unsure where the time has gone! On one hand, she loves her little ball of rolls but on the the other she is so sad to see her tiny baby gone.

Lexa, at 3 months you:

*Still refuse a bottle. It has not gotten any better....even after Mommy has invested much money in various bottles.

*Typically wear 3-6 month clothes. You have a few things that are 0-3 months and a few that are 6 months.

*You wear a size 2 diaper.

*You sleep through the night sometimes and others get up once. You are still sleeping in your bassinet in Mommy and Daddy's room...although Mommy needs to let go and move you to your own room.

*You still love Jace more than anyone. You also get a kick out of watching and touching Ozzy.

*You are starting to grab for things and intentionally make noises to get people's attention.

*You are pretty lazy at tummy time and don't lift your head too much yet.

*You rolled over in bed last week. Mommy is pretty sure you are strong enough to do it again if you would think about it.

*You love, love to eat! People are constantly commenting on your infamous thighs. Daddy also thinks you have cankles and whatever you call it when you don't have wrists. Actually you tried on your brand new bracelet this weekend and it kind of got lost in a roll.

*You are a pretty happy baby. It doesn't take much to make you smile and even giggle.

*Mommy has been over the moon about you since seeing your little face (and 3 lines) at her ultrasound in October. Every day continues to get better than the last!


Lexa's baptism was this weekend with much celebration following. Of course Mommy has tons of pictures to sift through and edit but here is one sneak peak. Lexa's dress was too cool and made out of Mommy's wedding dress. You can kind of see the sparkle pattern which is exactly like Mommy's dress.


Anonymous said...

Lexa's dress is gorgeous! love the rolls. :)

Fab Aunt Kay

Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

Sounds like her and Braylon are two peas in a pod. Doing pretty much the same stuff, except the whole bottle thing- too cute!