Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like....Summertime!!

Jace and Lexa have been soaking up the warm weather and sun lately....and loving every minute of it.

You know it's almost summertime when Jace has his last day of daycare.

Lexa and Mommy's last solo day.

On Saturday, Mommy, Jace, and Lexa made a trip to Des Moines to meet up with Aunt Erin, and Karla and Mikey. A trip to the zoo was the order of the day. Jacer's favorite part was meeting Buddy from the show Dinosaur Train on PBS. He couldn't get over how big Buddy will see in the picture he was much bigger than Jace and on the show they live in a nest. Leave it to Jace to be so concerned with that. Jace's biggest disappointment of the day was that there were no elephants at the zoo. Mommy's goal for the summer is to find a zoo with elephants for little man!

Lexa enjoying her first zoo experience

Jace and Mommy at the zoo

Jacer and Mikey

Jace and Buddy

And not to ruin the trend...Jace and Erin

Jace and Erin being the rebels that they are and crossing the bridge. Although Erin looks a little more unsure than Jace!

Lexa's first day at the zoo wore her out!!

After a long day of fun in the sun you have to have ice cream!

And share with your dog. Gross. He is totally his Daddy's kid!

This morning, Mommy was pondering what to do, as the public pool is a little tricky with Lexa not being able to wear sunscreen for another 3 months! Being the brilliant Mommy that she is, she decided to let Jace pick out a kiddie pool for the backyard. He chose a shark one and was loving it...after he spent 10 minutes arguing with Mommy over why he needed to take off his shirt AND shoes. Yes, the horror.

Is it weird that Jace automatically knows to pose for a picture during each activity?

Ozzy is pretty fond of the warm weather himself!

Lexa was feeling a smidge uncomfortable with all the extra milk she's been drinking lately so she stuck to her one piece. She retired to bed a little early tonight thus missing a feeding so she may be ready to don the bikini tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Lexa's first dip

Mommy's little sun goddess

This is just an etc. picture Mommy had to add. Check out the look on her face. Mommy caught it in action as she literally blew out her entire diaper. Needless to say this outfit didn't stay on long.