Monday, May 10, 2010

Playdates, Parties, and Mother's Day.....

Jace and Lexa have been busy lately and have a lot to update you on!

To begin, Lexa went to her first SLP (Speech Pathologist) playdate. There are only 3 babies pictured here but there were 5 babies born this spring to SLP's working within about 10 miles of Mommy. Apparently there was something in the water at the 2009 spring meeting!

Tycen- 2 weeks, Lexa- 2 months, Carlie- 3 months

Next up was Haley and Davon's first communion, followed by Amiya's 1st birthday party. Jace was beside himself all day waiting for cake at the party. Once again, the apple doesn't fall far.....

Gonna Paaaarty!

Jace and Davon being the goofballs that they are

Amiya filling Lexa in on how good cake is

Jace in pure bliss

Haley...future babysitter!!!

The whole crew at the party

On Mother's Day, Daddy had to work in the morning so Jacer, Lexa, and Mommy decided to meet Grandma for lunch and some shopping.

Ready to see Grandma

Lexa and Grandma soaking up some sun

The rest of the pics are extras!!

Snoozing before her 2-month checkup...and shots! EEK!

Doing some exercises after stepping (or laying) on the scale at the DR. Miss Lexa weighed 11.5 lbs and was 22.25 inches long!

Strange, Strange child

Reason #301 while Mommy will not be winning any parenting awards. Mommy was innocently snapping a picture of Jacer looking so cute in his little vest when she noticed (through the camera lens) that Jace was holding A KNIFE! Apparently he got it out of the drawer...probably while Mommy was busy snapping pictures of Lexa!


Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

omg i am laughing my butt off!!! that is the difference between calm jace and my wild children- the knives have been put up on the top shelf of a kitchen cabinet for about 2 years now- you should do that too!!! too funny!