Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To tide you over.....

Jace, Lexa, and Mommy are heading to Grandma and Grandpa's tomorrow. It began as a short trip to pick up Lexa's baptism dress but may be extended as the new roof is going to be put on in the coming days. Mommy is pretty sure that ripping, hammering, and banging are not going to mix well with a 2-month old. At any rate, as soon as the trio returns, you will be rewarded with pictures. For now, these will have to tide you over!

Like father, like son

Jace always wants to hold Lexa and have his picture taken. The trouble is, he sometimes forgets she is there and she tips over. Case in point.

Mommy had to post a picture of Lexa in her outfit today. She is in love with it. She literally spent 3/4 of her day staring down at it.

Hanging with Elmo before bed