Monday, May 17, 2010

Jace and Lexa visit Nana and Papa!

Jace and Lexa decided to head down to Nana and Papa's for the day on Sunday. They had a wonderful time playing, shopping, and eating with Nana...and Lexa finally got the chance to meet her Papa! Jace was Nana's buddy all day....and wanted to make it a slumber party when it was time to go. Lexa enjoyed showing off her famous thighs and assortment of other rolls.

Lexa and Nana catching up

Jace playing with the toys Nana keeps at her house

Lexa and Nana posing for the camera

Jacer helping out in the yard

Nana had some aqua sand for Jace to play with in the sink...that hopefully isn't clogging the sink as Nana tries dig it out in the background!

And as usual, Mommy has some random shots floating on her she will share them!

Jace and Lexa...possibly plotting their next move....

Mommy's happy girl...except when she's not.

Lexa LOVES her bath (let's hope she can avoid a 'poop incident' like her brother) and Jace loves to help. She really adores him too!