Friday, January 7, 2011

Lexa at 10-Months......

It's that time again...Lexa's 'month b-day'. It's hard to believe in 2 short months she will be 1!

Lexa, at 10-months you:

*wear size 9 months in clothes on average. You can still wear some 6-month things and some 12-month things. You also wear a size 3 diaper and a size 2-3 shoe.

*you are doing much better interacting with others. You still prefer Mommy if she is in the room but even then you will allow others to (gasp) touch or even hold you at times.

*you are a crack-up. You love to dance, laugh, and are always on the go.

*you are challenging. Remember everything Mommy said about Jace being a rule follower...probably not going to be happening with you. You are much more of a daredevil and don't like to sit still for long. You are constantly getting into something whether it be Mommy finding you splashing in the potty (oops) or you dunking your head multiple times in the bath and finding it hilarious (after you cough for 5 minutes).

*you love to eat! You probably wouldn't even notice if you didn't nurse or drink a bottle all day. You eat anything and everything (besides PB and honey). You actually sometimes finish your brother's plate. Mommy does still nurse you in the morning and at night and you are now drinking just 1 bottle during the day.

*your sleeping habits are so-so. You go to bed like a champ and go down for naps awesome. During the night however, you would prefer to have Mommy come and play for a while. She has done the 'cry it out' thing but you are persistent!

*you are getting more into playing with toys...good thing since you got quite a bit of loot at Christmas. One of your favorite new toys was from Grandma Rosie...Sing a ma jigs. They harmonize in making the sound 'ahhhh'. You think it is hilarious and sing right along with them.

*you have caught on very quickly to baby sign and are able to sign several things...especially at mealtime!

*you crawl like a crazy woman, pull yourself up and cruise along furniture, and have started going up stairs.

*you are Mommy's little spark plug. You can melt a heart very quickly with your big eyes and smile but nobody is ever going to walk all over you. It is certain life will never be boring with you around!