Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jace's Birthday in Snapshots

Mommy is feeling a little lazy tonight and is going to try and keep the commentary to a minimum. Try being the key word. She tends to get a little wordy when she is talking about things as cool as her firstborn's 4th birthday!

To sum everything up, Jace had a wonderful day complete with chocolate milk, lots of fun at Tricia's house, Chuck E Cheese, a Jace size cake, and presents. What more could a 4-year-old want?

Except to be 3 again. Yep, you read that right. Jace was so worked up over the whole 'I have to stop sucking my thumb when I'm 4' thing that it was ruining his day. He said he just wanted to be 3 again. Mommy's poor heart broke of course and she called off the whole stinkin' thing. What a pushover that Mommy is! If Jace is still sucking his thumb at 17, everyone will know whose fault it is!

Mommy decided that today was a new day and presented Jace with his reward chart tonight. A beautifully designed reward chart Mommy spent part of the afternoon coloring and measuring just right. She had sparkling stickers and promises of yummy treats and new toys with Jace's success. She even had a 'Thumb Sucking Song' to sing with him.


Daddy's response...please don't ever sing that song again.

See, there Mommy goes being wordy again. Back to the birthday pictures....

The celebration actually started the night before Jace's birthday with he and Mommy whipping up some cupcakes for his friends. Mommy and Jace may or may not have sampled 2...or 3...ok but they split the 4th one!

Not too shabby....for a baker's wife right?

The birthday boy!

Tricia had her house decorated just for Jace complete with streamers and balloons!

And silly glasses

Daddy surprised Jace with his own pint size cake...since he hadn't had several (ahem) cupcakes the night before.

Nice form! His Momma must have taught him that!

Does this girl have a care in the world?



After he thought all the presents had been opened, Daddy went and brought up the big finale.


Whew! Just talking about the day wears Mommy out. She's off to soak in her bath. After 2 weeks off, this working thing will wear a girl out! Here's to many a snow day in the near future!

Shut it Daddy.

Pictures of Christmas with Nana and Papa coming soon.....