Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Jace!

Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest boys around! Mommy can't believe it was 4 years ago today (on a 48 degree day in January) that you came into this world. You have been such an easy baby and now boy to take care of. Typically happy and rarely defiant (Mommy may eat her words on this one).

Jace, at 4 years old you:

*wear a size 4T and a size 10 shoe.

*your favorite foods include chicken nuggets, cheese sandwiches, spaghetti, carrots, milk, chocolate, and anything sweet.

*Mommy is unsure of your exact measurements (you have a checkup this week) but she is guessing 33-34 pounds and 40 or so inches tall.

*Love dinosaurs, anything with wheels, trains, watching movies, eating sweets, animals, and playing with friends.

*Your favorite things right now are Cars and Scooby Doo. You just received Toy Story for Christmas so this may be a new obsession. Thomas has fallen a little bit to the wayside but you still play with your train table daily.

*you are an amazing big brother. You and Lexa have begun to butt heads a little as she has gotten older and more mobile. However, you continue to look out for her and play with her constantly.

*you go to Tricia's during the day and love it there! Your friends there are Morgan, Molly, and Joshua. Morgan is your best friend in the entire world and you talk about her constantly.

*you love, LOVE, love babies. They seem to adore you just as much and laugh and giggle whenever you are around.

*you are very excited for preschool next year and point out your school daily when you and Mommy drive by.

*you have vowed to stop sucking your thumb at age 4. Time will tell.....

*you are one of the most amazing little men Mommy has ever met. Sometimes she can't believe how polite you are and what a good listener you can be. You are a people pleaser (most of the time of course)and are a rule follower. You also are very literal and like things in order.

*you have really come out of your shell in the last year or so. You took swimming lessons and conquered your fear of the water. You are also much less timid and are very social. You talk Mommy and Daddy's ears off daily.

*you are such a smart little guy (anytime Mommy tells you this you point out that you are also sweet) with a crazy memory. You remember details (like who gave you the white stuffed dog for Easter when you were 2)and facts very well. You love learning and are working on reading a few sight words and using letter sounds. You also are able to rhyme and segment compound words. You can write your name after a model and are quick to point out letters and sounds on store signs and buildings you see while driving.

*you are the bestest little Jacer anyone could ask for. Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud of you and talk about that nearly every day. Happy Birthday to a very special guy! Mommy hopes all your wishes come true always!