Sunday, January 16, 2011


Not much going on as of late. Mommy has taken a few pictures however, that she thought you may enjoy.

Lexa is beginning to show some inevitable interest in Elmo. It's so fun to see her actually want to play with things (as opposed to just eating them).

This would be Jace showing Mommy what he would look like preggo. Don't ask. Iowa winters get to some more than others.

Go Panthers!

Jace and Daddy went to the Hawkeye basketball game the other night. Jace and Herky decided to cheese together for the camera.

Yes, this one is a climber. She will try to climb or scale any object including walls, her brother, and her dog.

And they said her brother had crazy hair.


Rachel said...

Jace and Lexa are so cute!! It's so fun to read your blog because our boys are only 2 weeks apart, and I can totally relate to a lot of things you write!

Anonymous said...

love them in a onesie, so easy to undo the snaps, diaper aside, lovely close up pussy pics or rub it for her and make her kick while you video it, snap closed maybe 5 mins and nobody ever knows