Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas With Nana and Papa!

Mommy is a smidge behind with this post but she wanted to share nonetheless.

As you may recall, Christmas Eve was 'snowed out' so Daddy, Mommy, Jace, and Lexa headed down to Nana and Papa's a week or so later to celebrate. Everyone had a great time and Jacer and Bean could have used a U-haul on the way home.

Jace's favorite part of the day was going to Build a Bear and and using a gift certificate from Nana and Papa to make his own bear reindeer. As much as everyone tried to talk Jace into the cute little puppy with droopy ears, he couldn't leave poor old Rudolph behind.

He thought it was super cool that he made Rudolph himself...and even put a heart inside.

Believe it or not, Mommy did not pose him this way. Perhaps he has had his picture taken a time or two though.

Every new friend needs a birth certificate. Lets just say the it was pretty easy to figure out a name for Jace's new buddy.

And just one more piece of photographic evidence that Lexa is turning herself around. She let Papa hold her even when Mommy was in clear view. She actually was really into Papa and constantly checking to see if he was watching her. Oh that Bean!

And that should catch Mommy up to her pictures on her camera. For a while anyway.....