Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Jacer!!

Mommy's little man is 3-years old today! She can hardly believe that it is possible to love him more every day but somehow it happens. Every year (or month), Mommy says, 'This is the best age', but seriously 3 has been the most fun so far. Jace was so excited for his Curious George party yesterday and to take his treats to school today. Mommy will update again soon with pictures from the party yesterday and his fun today! Until then, she wanted to share a little of who Jace is at 3 years old (for your reading enjoyment and because this blog has turned into his 'baby book' journaling his childhood).

Jace at 3-years old.......

*Favorites still include Thomas and Curious George. He has also added the Smurfs to his list.

*Has a baby doll he calls his ‘baby sister’. He wraps her up, pats her, and gives her bottles.

*Knows all of his colors, shapes, and letters.

*Can count to 20 and for the most part can count objects that high.

*Can spell his name and recognize it in print (although he still thinks it's funny to drive Mommy nuts and add an x to the end).

*Knows the corresponding sound with about ½ of the letters.

*Is still working on potty training. He goes better at daycare but falls apart at home. Could be that Mommy is lacking something in the teaching.

*LOVES to, cleaning, etc.

*Enjoys doing puzzles, building things, coloring, and painting.

*Is becoming more daring and independent…will jump off things or try things he hasn’t before. Although it is more nerve wracking, Mommy is glad to see him take more chances.

*Is very sensitive. Loves to be silly and clown around but is easily upset if his feelings get hurt.

*Is very imaginative…loves to pretend and appears to have several imaginary friends.

*Is usually fairly agreeable but can throw whoppers of tantrums when he wants to.

*Thinks his new bed (which turned out to be an air mattress after seeing how much he liked Grandma and Grandpa's) is the best thing since sliced bread.

*Doesn’t have his Dr. appt. until the end of the week but Mommy is estimating him at 31 lbs and 37 inches tall.


Preston and Ashten's World said...

happy birthday jace!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jace! Thanks for inviting me to your party! Fabulous Aunt Kay

Anonymous said...

Happy b-day jace!! We need to get together, we have presents for you!! :)

Davon, Haley & Amiya