Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Above Zero.......

It's not only above's above freezing! The warm temps and day at home with Daddy warranted getting out those boots and snowpants and doing some serious playing outside! Check it out!

Sizing up his new duds

Plowing through the snow on his monster truck...Daddy taught him to do donuts on the ice. Nice.

Jace- King of the World!

Jace's first snowman!

Apparently it wasn't quite done

On the potty training front....Jace still hasn't had any accidents! We're talking #1, we're talking #2, we're talking OVERNIGHT! The kid has made Mommy's year! He has only been at daycare 1 day since he mastered this new found skill and to say Mommy was a nervous wreck all day would be an understatement. He did great though,staying dry all day and telling them when it was time to do the duty (no pun intended). Jace even survived going out to lunch with Mommy and Daddy today!! rock!