Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Birthday Pics and then some

Mommy is finally posting the birthday pics...and a few others of Jace being silly. There won't be much wonderful commentary as Mommy is still in a little smokey, cheese and cracker, Daddy's homemade shrimp sauce coma from the Hawkeye game. So, with no further ado..........

Jace's Curious George Cake made by none other than Daddy himself!

Jacer lovin' his cake

Who is that????

Munching on pizza with Gaige

Opening presents

More can never have too many.

So excited as everyone sang to him

Playing drums with the tinker toy can....even when he isn't given a musical instrument, he finds a way to turn his gift into one.

Treats for daycare

And they get the thumbs up

More new toys from Mommy and Daddy!

Jace being silly with Mommy

More silly Jace

Poor Oz