Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas '09

Since Mommy has taken a nearly week long vacation from blogging, she has an overload of pictures to post. To save her sanity...and yours, she is breaking up Christmas '09 into several blogs. The first will include pre-Christmas festivities and Christmas Eve.

Jace always has an abundance of toys and gifts and although Mommy is happy he is able to enjoy these things she also wants him to experience the joys of giving. She decided to make it a tradition to let Jace pick out a few toys for Toys for Tots. This year, since it was the first year, Mommy thought picking out girl toys might make having to give them up a little easier. Jace and Mommy chose a Barbie and a My Little Pony. There was several conversations about why Jace was giving the toys away and several more protests that he needed a Barbie. In the end, however, Jace did a great job and even put the toys in the box himself.
What a little ham!

Getting ready on Christmas Eve....Jace wanted to wear a headband.

Making cookies for Santa. Jace and Mommy made several excuses as to why they needed to eat 'just one more' of Santa's cookies. In the end, there were 2 left for the man in red.

Jace celebrated Christmas Eve at Keith and Darcy's this year. He had a great time with Daddy's side of the family including Nana and Papa!

Nana and Papa gave him this cool guitar (it seems to be the theme this year as Jace received numerous musical presents...please note that none were from Mommy and Daddy or Santa).

Snoozing with Nana...and his new Thomas blanket courtesy of cousin Jami

Covering Grandma Rosie with his new blanket

Stay tuned....more pictures of Christmas Day and beyond coming soon!