Monday, December 7, 2009

Miami Vice Wedding

For those of you who were in attendance at Erin and Tom’s wedding last weekend, you must agree with the photographer that Jace looked very ‘Miami Vice’. He ended up doing very well after a few minor bumps in the road. The first occurred when Mommy and Daddy tried to put on his tux. As expected….not gonna happen! He ended up wearing his tux pants and jacket with a white t-shirt and white pumas. No black shoes, no tie, and no white collar shirt. Mommy must admit however, it was a look few could pull off...but Jace, of course, did!

Next came Jace’s walk down the aisle with flower girl Abby. She, as expected, did wonderful and trotted right down to where her Daddy was sitting. Jace also trotted (although somewhat slower and with Nemo in hand) but was reluctant to sit and thought he would go up where Mommy was standing at the altar. After a few cries of ‘I want my Mommy’, Grandma was able to reel him in and hand him over to Fabulous Aunt Kay. Kay proceeded to introduce Jace to gum, which proved to be genius as he was never heard from again during the ceremony!

After the formalities were over, Jace kicked his heels up at the reception. Mommy must say, that he pretty much owned the dance floor (and many of the single gals) most of the night. Mommy didn’t see much of her little man throughout the night as he went from girl to girl dancing and giggling. He made it to the bitter end and was still boogying on the way home Sunday.

On to the pictures of the handsomest Miami Vice ring bearer EVER and his smashingly beautiful/handsome Aunt Erin and UNCLE Tom. Oh, and there’s a few of Mommy, just to prove she stuffed her and Peanette into a non-professionally expanded bridesmaid dress!

Thursday night the festivities began with an oh-so-good dinner on the Plaza. Jacer was pretty worn out already after the long drive and late hour.

Friday was ‘Jace and Daddy’ day as they ate cookies and pizza and bought goodies (stuffed Nemo) at the mall. The rest of the crew was busy decorating and turning Tom and Erin’s college into their beautiful reception.

Friday night it was still up in the air as to whether or not Jace would actually make the walk down the aisle. Luckily, Abby was a great little lady and offered to let Jace throw a few flowers too (although she was certain he should be throwing rings). This sealed the deal and he agreed.

Who knew you got presents (and Thomas presents nonetheless) just for looking suave and walking down an aisle?

Saturday morning was more Jace and Daddy time while the girls got pretty.

Dressed and ready

Who can guess what Jace is doing a mere 5 minutes before the ceremony began?

Enter Miami Vice

Mommy giving her bone sober speech

Mommy must apologize about the quality of some of these pics. Even with the technology of photo editing, you can’t mess with the moves of some of Jace’s family members!

Jace and Daddy chilling at the reception

Tom and Erin smashing cake


Grandpa and Erin dancing

Jace:totally in his element

Guess who set up this shot?

Jace and his many women

Grandma cutting loose with Tauren

Rita and Sean burning up the dance floor

Cheers with Pete and Sean

Tom, getting his KU garter

Jace and Mommy taking a break

Yeah, Jace has game

Jace and Kay cutting a rug

Mr. Stud on the drive home (Mr. Stud with ketchup on his face and Elmo on his arm).