Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Goin' to the Chapel......

And gonna get an Uncle!

Jace is thrilled that one of his favorite people will officially be his Uncle in just a few short days. Mommy is thrilled (insert sarcasm) to be able to stuff her 6-month pregnant belly into a dress meant for a non-pregnant person.

Anywho, Mommy thought she would leave you with a few Jaceisms and pictures until the festivities are over next week.

In Walmart parking lot:
Jace reaches over and gives Mommy a big hug and pat on the back. He then says, “Did that make you happy?”

For those who don’t know, Jace continues to hate his bath. The other night Mommy gave Jace a warning that a bath was looming. Jace gave his standard ‘no’ before being silent for nearly 5 minutes. The next part of the conversation went like this:
Jace: I already had plugs.
Mommy: Huh?
Jace: I had plugs at daycare today.
Mommy: (now beginning to understand he is referring to his earplugs he has to wear in the bath) Oh really.
Jace: Yeah, Trisha (his teacher) did them in the bath.
Mommy: So you already took a bath at daycare? Where?
Jace: In the bathtub there. Trisha gave me a bath.
Mommy: So you are telling me you don’t need one tonight then?
Jace: Yep.
It’s a little scary that a not quite 3-year old thought through this enough to tell Mommy a pretty elaborate lie!

Jace also was put in time-out for the first time at daycare yesterday. He was pretty upset by the whole ordeal and has brought up over and over the fact that he wants Trisha to be happy. Apparently he was climbing on the table and when was told to get off, he said, ‘no’. He had to go to the timeout chair for a bit but later apologized. He told Trisha, ‘You put me in timeout’, like he couldn’t believe it!
He also told her he needed to go potty and actually successfully did it twice! However, when Daddy got home and Mommy told Jace to tell Daddy what happened at school, he told him about the timeout and not the potty!

Deep thoughts

Putting up the Christmas Tree

Jace and Daddy trying to move the tree from underneath. Nice booty shot!

Stay tuned next week for wedding pics!! Hopefully there will be some of Jacer's tie and shoes as he continues to tell Mommy he doesn’t like them and they don’t fit. (Not to be confused with Cousin Chrissy, who Jace also claimed not to like after she told him no).