Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mommy's Letter

Dear Total and Near-Total Strangers (seen on the street, in the store, etc, etc),

Mommy would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your concern over her ever-growing belly. Yes, she is aware that it is fairly large. Yes, she is sure of her due date. Yes, she is sure it is not twins.

Mommy appreciates random comments from total strangers on her roundness and any unsolicited advice you have given. She has taken into account that girls are fun to buy for but are much harder to raise. She also has checked Lolly off her list of names because the grocery clerk at Fareway had a friend who, at 16, named her daughter that and it is just a silly name.

Also, Mommy does agree that she will really be waddling by March…again, yes she is sure she is due in March. Sorry to those of you who were sure she was due around the New Year. Mommy definitely does find it strange that there are those of you with daughters due mid-January who aren’t this big.

Mommy appreciates the sympathetic glances at her belly as she walks around and the shocked looks when you ask her how far along she is. No, there is not more than one in there and yes she has had several ultrasounds to confirm it. Yes, she did hear about the woman who got pregnant while pregnant, therefore having two babies in her. No, Mommy does not think this is the case. Yes, Mommy has heard stories about one baby hiding behind the other during ultrasounds and having synchronized heartbeats. No, Mommy does not think this is the case. And no, Mommy’s first child was not THAT large.

Again, it is not twins.



Preston and Ashten's World said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is hilarious...I am so sorry that is all happening!!!! Pregnancy is wonderful....and I LOVE big bellies...and think it is amazing that our bodies do what they do for our kids...maybe you should carry a picture of me around while I was pregnant and this girl was BIG...I am not...thanks though! :)

Preston and Ashten's World said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is hilarious...I am so sorry that is all happening!!!! Pregnancy is wonderful....and I LOVE big bellies...and think it is amazing that our bodies do what they do for our kids...maybe you should carry a picture of me around while I was pregnant and this girl was BIG...I am not...thanks though! :)

Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

Boo to people being rude. At least they aren't commenting on how huge your ass and thighs look. That's even more annoying, cuz the belly goes away fairly quickly- the ass and legs takes some work. I'll put up a pic and I would be willing to bet our bellies are pretty comparable. Second and third time you just get bigger! Just get a button that say "f*&k off- i'm not due until march" and that should keep everyone away. ;)