Saturday, May 9, 2009

Run Like a Mother!

Fabulous Aunt Kay and MommI ran in the 4-mile Run Like a Mother race today which benefited the Iowa Women's Foundation. They of course, did awesome, and even were compelled to subtract several seconds from their times due to getting stuck behind some extremely slow people at first. In the end, they both finished in respectable times (near the top of their age divisions but just out of reach of awards) and were greeted by Grandma F. and Jace with flowers.

It was later discovered what Grandma and Jacer were doing while MommI and Kay ran.

Aunt Tay and Grandma actually arrived Friday night, along with Aunt Erin earlier in the day. It was a slumber party that included gifts for Jace (Grandma brought him a new tractor and Tay brought him an M&M cup all the way from Vegas!) and $30 chocolate.

Poor Aunt Erin was a little under the weather and although it was initially thought to be the brown bottle flu (following the Kenny Chesney concert Thurs. night) it was later discovered that she was actually sick. She ended up leaving early which was a huge disappointment to Jace. He loves his Er. In the end, he recovered and was up to his usual mischief.

That would be a guilty, 'I'm caught' look!
