Monday, May 4, 2009


Scene: Jace and Mommy discussing what (or who) does and doesn't have tails....while Jace takes a bath.

Mommy: Bubu has a tail. Kona has a tail. Aunt Erin doesn't have a tail.
Jace: MommI have tail. Jace no tail. Jace butt (turns around to show Mommy).

Scene: Jace and Daddy talking after Daddy gets back from a run.

Daddy: I'm going to take a shower.
Jace: You shower?
Daddy: Yes, I stink.
Jace: You poop Daddy?

Scene: Jace trying to move Ozzy off the couch as he does most days. During this particular interaction his voice is whiny but firm...which makes his error even funnier. He thinks he is being big and bad getting Ozzy to move when really he sounds hilarious.

Jace: Bubu MOOSE!!