Thursday, May 14, 2009

More Jaceisms!

Can you contain yourselves? More Jaceisms? Please just go with it...Mommy isn't even sure they are that funny when you hear them for the first time in the written form. They crack her up hysterically though in person. So, just go with it.

Scene: Mommy and Jace downstairs getting clothes out of the closet for MommI. Jace leans on the humidifier and puts his head in his hands. He looks at Mommy with a horribly sad expression and says....

Jace: 'I happy.'
Mommy: 'Jace, I think you mean you are sad. You are NOT happy.'
Jace: 'No, MommI, I happy.'

Keep in mind he says the whole thing with a huge sigh. Mommy thinks he is confused because when he has...hmmm,shall we say...trouble behaving sometimes, Mommy tells him that she is not happy. Apparently, he isn't hearing the not. This could shed some light on why Mommy's approach isn't working!

Scene: First you must have some background. Many of you know the difficulties Mr. former stellar sleeper has been having. That is for another post. Just know that Jace has not exactly been a stellar sleeper lately. So, last night Mommy is once again trying everything she can think of to get Jace to JUST CLOSE HIS EYES AND GO TO SLEEP!! Nothing was working, so she decided to sing him a little tune. Very quietly and gently (using her very best vocal abilities of course) MommI starts singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Mommy: 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, How I wonder......(interruption from a giggling Jace)
Jace: 'Hee, Hee, Hee.'
Mommy:'Jace this isn't funny. Mommy's singing isn't funny. Go to sleep!'

Jace lays his head back down for a few seconds then sits back up and smiles.

Jace: 'More?'
Mommy:'More what?'
Jace: 'More Star?' (he says this with a huge smile)
Mommy:'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.....this time she gets through the whole thing (with Jace silently laughing). At the end, Jace sits straight up and starts clapping profusely.
This makes Mommy laugh, which in turn makes Jace laugh harder. Soon, MommI has tears running down her face and Jace is in absolutely no sort of quiet, almost to sleep mood. Note to Mommy: No more singing to relax the little stinker!


Anonymous said...

I am laughing outloud as I can picture this scene. Was wondering how bedtime was going. Guess I know now. Good luck. Fab. Aunt Kay