Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Whole New World

The last few days have brought a whole new world to Jace. He has recently been consuming upwards of 40 oz. in bottles a day so Mommy took that as a cue that it was time to start cereal. He did great with it although was not too fond of the new taste! Jace actually had the tongue thrust under control fairly well---most of the leakage was due to the 'ick' factor. He ate several spoonfuls before deciding enough was enough and gagging--Jace can be somewhat dramatic. Jace also got a Johhny Jumper that Mommy and Daddy finally got ready for him to use. Actually it took several tries for Mommy. The first time she completed the instructions exactly as they said and proudly plopped Jace down in the jumper.....And his butt promptly hit the floor. He kind of looked like 'what are you doing to me?'. Now that Mommy has figured out the correct way to hang it Jace really thinks he is hot stuff. He spends most of his time spinning with an occasional hop mixed in. And finally, Jace's newest move is what we like to call 'the tripod'. He is getting pretty strong and can sit as long as he has his arms out to balance himself. Again doing this, he thinks he is top dog...of course we don't tell him any different.

And last but not least--Today is Mommy's first day off work so another new treat is sleeping in!!!...........somebody must have forgotten to get Jace that memo though so we'll work on that for tomorrow. :)

The first bite..............

The aftermath.................


That's more like it..........................

Tripod Jace...................


Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

Hi Jace!!!
Keenan has the same johnny jumper at our house, but he prefers to sit still and chew on it instead of jumping and spinning. Mavi likes to swing Keenan in it so be prepared to get spun around!! See you soon!