Friday, May 11, 2007

Big Man Jace

Jace's 4-months stats are in!!! The results indicate that just as expected, he is growing like a weed!! Jace is now 25 3/4 inches long (75th percentile)--Mommy is so proud of this stat as she has NEVER been near the 75th percentile for height! Jace weighs 14.3 lbs which is the 40th percentile. Head circumference just isn't as fun so Mommy already forgot the exact number but it is the 40th percentile as well. Jace also had more shots at his appointment. He is such a trooper and only cried for a short time. He even got some super cool crayon bandaids which made it all ok!!

Jace loves his Tylenol.........yeah right!

But he's happy again soon!!

When Mommy picked Jace up from daycare this morning she got a big surprise! He had made Mommy her very first Mother's Day gift! It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and was definitely the best present ever!

Isn't it the most beautiful thing....

He had also made her a scotcheroo for her birthday. Jace must have let it slip at daycare that the way to Mommy's heart is through her stomach (as most of you know)!


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Cari!!! You are doing awesome!!! Hope you enjoy your special day!

Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

WOW! Jace only has four 6 pounds to go to catch up to Mavi. If Mavi doesn't grown anymore. We'll see. Maybe you, Keenan, and Mavi will all be able to wear the same size this summer! You are too cute and growing into such a biggest boy- YAY!
Aunt Alisa