Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Boy's Got Skills!

This boy has some serious skills! He has learned so many new things in the past 4 1/2 months it is hard to keep up. Here are a few of the most recent.

Sittin' like a big man!!! A much better view than laying in the carseat!

Holding the bottle by himself!!! (He can't do it the entire time yet but is getting really good.)

Getting ready to try out the baby pool for the first time.......

Mommy and Jace enjoying the water.....maybe a bigger pool since Mommy is almost as big as this one!! We are on the waiting list for Mommy and Me swim lessons though!

And last but certainly not least..... helping Mommy workout by being her substitute weights. She loves this nearly 15 lb. weight much more than her old ones! (Pretty cute bum too!!)