Friday, May 4, 2007

Happy 4 Months Baby J!

Jace is a whopping 4 months old today!! Some of his newfound talents include--scooting on his back (he is especially talented because he can now go forwards AND backwards), rolling over (yes, Aunt Erin he really can do this--it isn't like his bridge or his vocabulary of 20 words), grabbing Mommy's hair and pulling (and then frequently laughing), putting objects in his mouth, drooling out of control, talking and screaming out of control, and laying on his tummy for 10-15 seconds (believe it or not this is an increase of about 10-15 seconds from month 3). We are so proud of the little man. He seems to do something new every day. Jace also has increased his sleeping time again. He now retires to the good old crib around 7:15 or 7:30. Mommy was a little concerned at first because he was waking up earlier instead but he now sleeps through until about 6:15. Way to go Jace! Summer vacation is just around the corner (only 17 working days left!) and plans are underway for months 5, 6, and 7 to be spectacular!


Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

WOW! Jace's shirt looks like Mavi's used to. Better invest in bibs and onesies! Happy 4 months buddy. Can't wait to see you in person soon. We bought a big kid pool to try when you come out! Bring your suit and a hat!
Aunt Alisa, Mavi and Keenan

Preston and Ashten's World said...

Congrats on hitting the 4 month marker kiddo!! Hope we can see you in to your mommy and give us a call! Jen and Preston