Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wine Tasting 2012!

Mommy is going to start by giving everyone a little hint. If you have been out of college for an extended period of time, do not think you can wine taste all day and proceed to go out on the town after. It just doesn't work well. Especially the next day. Moving on......
Prior to wine tasting, Aunt Erin needed her hair done, Grandma needed hers cut (yep, Mommy cuts Grandma's hair on occasion) so it was only right for Keegan to get in on the action. Isn't he a pretty little thaang?

The crew went in a different direction this year and hit some new wineries. This was the first. The second had a wedding going on..it was pretty but the wine tasters may or may not have worn out their welcome quickly.

Ok, this is not exactly wine but it was decided that too much lunch was eaten and it was soaking up all the wine. So, something a little stronger was needed to really get the fun started. Let Mommy also explain this was a saloon. Apparently. There were oak tables to sit at and when you walked in you could have heard a pin drop. However, the rumchata shots...or horsechata at they called them....were excellent.

Picture of the whole crew!!
Following the wine tour was a chili dump at the Petersen Plantation. No pictures and you probably know why. By this point pictures were not a priority. A special thanks to fabulous Aunt Debbie for driving AND for the awesome wine glasses! Until next year girls.....


Jessie Henn said...

You’ve got some cute headbands right there! :) Anyway, wine tasting can really bring out your ability to determine the different levels of a liquor’s characteristics. For example, you can taste its sweetness via the tip of your tongue, its acidity via the taste buds on the front and sides of your tongue, and its tannin or bitterness through the buds on the inside and sides of your tongue.

Jessie Henn