Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch '12

These pictures are from last 7 days ago. But Mommy has new pictures to add from wine tasting this weekend so thought she should share these first. they are!

Giant pillow jumping!

Mommy added this one because Jace is pouting and it's funny. It wasn't funny at the time but it is now.

Bean and Mommy on the hayride. She had obviously already gotten into the candy (Lexa, not Mommy. Well, most likely Mommy too but that reference was to Lexa).  The hayride was Lexa's favorite part of the day. She kept saying, "I REALLY like this!"

Petting the pigs. And just as Mommy uploaded this pic she remembered they forgot the hand sanitizer afterward. And then ate popcorn. Luckily these pictures are from 7 days ago so apparently they are not sick. Darn Mommy and her cleanliness. Or lack thereof...

Grrrrr. He really got into the role.


Can Daddy breathe? Well, if you will recall, these pictures were taken 7 days ago (not sure if you had gotten that point yet) and as of now he is still with us so the choke hold must not have been too terrible.

Listen. They really are thrilled. Really. Who wouldn't be with fancy pumpkins such as these.
The End. Check back soon for wine tasting fun!