Sunday, May 1, 2011


Mommy has been a little under the weather after getting her wisdom teeth out on Thursday. So needless to say, the recent activity has been limited. Jace did get to attend his preschool open house today. He is so excited to go to preschool next year and was able to meet some of the teachers and tour the school. He is ready to go! Let's just hope the excitement remains in August!

Mommy made Jace AND Lexa pose before going to school. Don't they look thrilled. They love their Mommy.

Sorry about the massive sunlight in the window. Mommy is sadly still on page 2 of her 'Photoshop for Dummies book'. Seriously, it's like 300 pages....almost as daunting as actually learning photoshop.

Mommy's delicate flower? Oh, you don't believe that?

Yeah, you're right. She is as pretty as a flower though.

Jace was so excited to receive a May basket on his door today from Gaige. Has Mommy mentioned how on top of it Gaige's Mommy is?

Just Jacer.

Riding his scooter (quite slowly). Oh what a daredevil...if only you could sense the sarcasm through the world wide web.

Jace requested Mommy take his picture with Bubba.

First REAL ponytail. Mommy is giddy!!