Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cousin Keegan For the Day!

Aunt Erin and Keegan were in town for a wedding this weekend. Erin was in the wedding and gone most of Saturday so Keegan had the privilege of being overstimulated by Jace and Lexa all. day. long. Mommy may or may not have been a bit overstimulated herself.

Greeting their new cousin.

Grandma came to visit on Sunday and took everyone to a Japanese Steakhouse for Mommy's birthday. It was one where they cook the food at your table and Jace and Lexa were infatuated.

Jace and Lexa gave Mommy this pretty little cake for her birthday. Ain't they sweet??

Lil' Panther

Hanging in their p.j.s

Jace is seriously in love with this little guy.

See what Mommy means.....

Grandma is learning to spread her attention among 3 grandkids now! She seems to be doing quite well!

And that's it for tonight folks!