Sunday, May 22, 2011

Family, Family, Family. And more Family!

Jace and Lexa have been getting some serious family time in lately. Grandpa Steve is in town from Arizona for a little over a week. Tom, Erin, Keegan, and Kona were here all weekend for a wedding. Then Fabulous Aunt Kay was in town visiting Cousin Cory! It has been a full house full o' fun!

They love their cousin Keegan. You can't tell though right?

Jace when he was told he couldn't have 2 cookies. Mommy showed him this picture and he had to cover his mouth because he was trying not to smile at how silly he looked being grumpy.

Ah, a girl and her dinosaurs. Wait. Does that seem strange?

Lil' bean just doing her thing.

This is a girl who takes after her Mama!

She loves her some Kona....

And some babies.....

Lexa and her Grandpa Steve

Jacer and his Grandpa Steve

Hawk Fan!

Do these make him look studious? Possibly if they weren't Mr. Potato Head glasses!

Chef Jace. Specializing in chicken nuggets and chocolate.

Check back soon for more pictures from Grandpa Steve's visit!