Sunday, February 6, 2011

One month and one day.....

....until Lexa's 1st birthday! Mommy can't even believe it. But more on that tomorrow.

Tonight Mommy has some fun pictures from this weekend's activities.......

Nothing says it's a nice relaxing, calm Sunday afternoon like lining up your plastic soldiers and shooting them down with a nerf gun....especially if you are a 10 month old baby girl.

Ah sweet puppy love

The temperature on Saturday was a balmy 30 so Jace took advantage and did a little sledding.

Jace and Lexa's friend Carlie had her first birthday party over the weekend...

There was this little ball pit thingy that Lexa was in love with

Miss Lexa turns 11 months tomorrow and Mommy has a sweet update for her so check back then!