Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just a few pictures.

Just a few pictures to keep you up to date with what has been happening in Jace and Lexa's world.

Jace and Daddy went to the UNI basketball game on Tuesday night.

A girl must be dressed to impress for swim lessons.

Lexa has this odd obsession with beer. Ok, maybe it's not so odd....just weird for an 11-month old. This was her reaction when Daddy took the can away. Note: she has gotten to them before and spilled beer all over herself. It's somewhat nervewracking when you realize that your baby smells like booze.

A woman after Mommy's heart. Sporting a Coach headband. And looking fabulous doing so.

And not to be outdone by his sister.....

And finally....just so you're aware that they still love eachother!