Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy 11-Months Lexa!

1 month until Lexa's first birthday! Seems almost unimaginable. Sigh.

Lexa, at 11-months you:

*wear mostly 12 month clothes with plenty of 6 and 9 month mixed in. You also still wear a size 2 or 3 shoe...seriously you have the tiniest little feet!

*you love, love, love to eat. Mommy is not joking when she says it's like feeding a 10-year old boy. You frequently end up finishing your brother's meals after your own. Some of your favorite foods (although Mommy has yet to find one you refuse) are cheese, yogurt, carrots, and MEAT. Yes, you are not a salad eating gal...meat and potatoes is where it's at for you girlfriend!

*you nurse in the morning and have 2 bottles throughout the rest of the day.

*your night time sleeping has improved...somewhat. You will sleep like a champ for a week and then decide to get up again. You are such a dreamy napper however. Mommy was sick last week and had to put you down at 7 just rolled over and went to sleep even though it was 7 am!!

*you are very loving right now. You love to give hugs and kisses.

*you are starting to fight with your brother a little bit. You aren't afraid to give him a good hard shove either!

*you are standing well but have not taken that first step yet. Mommy knows it will be any day.

*you love Ozzy! He is so tolerant of your hugs and tail pulls. Occasionally he will just get up and walk away when he sees you coming but for the most part Mommy thinks he secretly loves all of the attention even if it is a little rough.

*you are really into some of your toys right now. You have a baby doll that you hold and hug and pat. You can push a dump truck around with the best of them and you have a shape sorter that you are so proud of mastering.

*you have changed so much in the last month. You try and put on your own socks, you hold the remote and point it to the tv, and you hold the phone to your ear and jabber away. You are turning into a little girl...sniff, sniff.

Love ya Bean!