Saturday, September 18, 2010

Panther Paddler

Jace is officially a Panther Paddler! He began swimming lessons this morning and they went off without a hitch. Huge sigh of relief from Mommy!

Lexa was originally signed up for the Mommy and Me infant class but Mommy got nervous about not being there for Jace as their lessons were at the same time. Lexa was happy enough just cheering him on...and she has no issues with water at this point. She prefers to have Mommy dump a cup of water over her head!

This morning Jace blew bubbles, back floated, front floated, and learned how to move his arms while swimming. The last task shocked Mommy a bit more than Jace....the teacher took each of the kids (there are only 4 in his class) and randomly dunked them!! Jace shed a few tears but recovered quickly...Mommy is still a little traumatized! This is probably reason #1 why Mommy was a swimming lesson dropout as a child.

And yes, as much as Mommy tried to avoid it, she was totally that Mommy front and center snapping pictures. She did however, only wave and yell 'Hi Jace' in a really annoying Mommy voice a couple of times.