Friday, September 3, 2010


Just a few randoms to brighten your day!

Jace had his first ice cream man experience. It wasn't quite how Mommy remembered it.
Somehow her 'blast from the past vision' didn't include having to chase the truck down the street because it was going 95. It also didn't include ice cream men with gold teeth.

Of course Mommy was ecstatic when she heard that familiar music playing and saw the truck approaching. She frantically ran inside and grabbed a dollar for Jace. A dollar? Yeah, right...another thing loooong gone. So Jace borrowed money from his buddy Nate and got this totally rad Scooby Doo thingy. Except it wasn't...rad that is. It totally stained his hands and legs. In fact, the sidewalk is STILL stained red from it melting like 4 days ago....lovely feeding that to your child!

Uncle Chuck and Aunt Denise were up for a visit. Jace had a great time experiencing Doritos and playing trains with Denise.

Oh, and Lexa's life is still rough. So rough in fact, she has to nap before getting out the door in the morning. She also may need a bigger skirt.

Or it could be due to all the early morning boob tube she watches with her bro

And finally, (sigh) Mommy left Lexa sitting in the living room and she came back to this. Lexa on all fours. Yikes! She hasn't moved yet, but it's only a matter of time people. And Mommy (and Jace's) lives as they know them are over.


abbie ashby said...

Seriously, what is wrong with Emmie. I keep trying to get her to crawl. She just lays on her face and screams bloody murder. Sigh, I will be carrying her til she is three!