Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy 1/2 Birthday to One Fabulous Little Lady!

It's Lexa's 1/2 birthday!! Woot, Woot! Mommy feels like it was just yesterday Lexa whizzed into this world...but then again it feels like she has always been around.

Lexa, at 6-months you:

-are beginning to really let your personality shine through. You are not one to sit still and like to be doing something all the time. You are very curious and check everything out. You also put EVERYTHING in your mouth!

-you sit up like a champ and can get on all fours from that position. It's Mommy's guess that you will be crawling sometime in month 6.

-you love to eat! Mommy isn't sure where you put it because you are still kind of a peanut. You don't always look it though since you are kind of short (hence the thighs)! Mommy has a feeling it's all that moving that you do!

-speaking of eating....the bottle has long since been forgotten. While at daycare you drink from a sippy cup...however you mostly wait for Mommy and then it's a free for all at night.

-you have pretty much tried all fruits and veggies and the only thing you haven't been gaga over were peaches.

-you are still sleeping really well both at night and for naps. You have recently been getting up in the night but it was when you had a nasty cold.

-you are still pretty attached to Mommy. You are doing better and better with Daddy every day and are perfectly content with him as long as Mommy is not in sight.

-your favorite toys right now are cars and trains. Mommy isn't sure if that's just because you see Jace playing with them and your house is filled to the brim with them....you still tend to choose them over your pink, girly toys though.

-you just moved to a size 3 diaper...although you have plenty of room in them. You are still wearing almost all 6 month clothes. And shoes....you can finally wear them...a size 2!

-you are Mommy's little angel. She can't imagine her life getting any better! Mommy never worried about having enough love for 2 children but she never realized how the second one would make her love the first one ever more too! Mommy has had the opposite of the baby blues from the minute you were born...something more like the baby overjoyedness (yeah, that's not a word but it's Mommy's blog and she can use it if she wants to).