Monday, July 26, 2010

So Little Time!

Mommy has been a bad blogger. She vehemently apologizes for this lack of posting in the last week or so. She and the kiddos (and Daddy now that he is on vacation) have been having too much fun to waste time blogging. Yeah right, everyone knows Mommy is an obsessive photographer and blogger.

Anyway, in the last few days there have been visits from Uncle Chuck, visits to see Nana, Uncle Keith and Aunt Darcy, Grandma Rosie, and Ali. There have been dairy tours, tons of drooling and chewing, lots of random pictures taken by Jace, and a very minimal amount of sleeping fit in as well.

Enough chatter. Pictures Please!

First, the dairy tour. Originally it was going to be a group of kids but in the end Jace and Gaige were the only ones to show. It ended up being nice because they got VIP treatment from the tour guide...and even got to see a 1 hour old baby cow!

Milking the cow....the 'w' word wasn't thrown around today, however both boys could not grasp the fact that it was supposed to be milk coming out. They were determined the cows were peeing. The poor tour lady tried and tried to tell them but it just wasn't sinking in.

Posing in front of the John Deere...Jace's latest fascination/obsession.

The best cream!

In front of the cows

Feeding the cows

Sunday was spent at Uncle Keith and Aunt Darcy's house. Nana got Lexa her first Hello Kitty gear.

For those of you who haven't seen Lexa in the last few weeks...she is a huge Mama's girl right now. Nana was able to set a new record as Lexa sat and talked with her for over 15 minutes!!

This seems crazy but usually it is about 15 seconds before the lip comes out and the tears are a flowin'! Mommy must note that Nana's record was however later broken by Darcy who had Lexa on her lap for a fair amount of time. With Mommy out of the room for a minute.

Not only did Nana get to talk to Lexa, but she also held her while she slept.

And then Jace fell asleep on Mommy. Fell asleep would actually be putting it mildly. Conked out is more accurate. And then slept for over 2 hours! What a silly little man!

A few of Lexa chomping on whatever she can get her hands on. She literally puts anything and everything in her mouth. Even Ali's nose the other day!

(That would be spiderman she is munching on)

Jacer, thinking he is funny and trying to run from Mommy as usual

The last picture is an illustration of "Like Mother Like Son"...or something. Anyway, Jace took this. Not bad!