Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lexa's 4-Month Update

Ok, so this post was supposed to be devoted to Lexa and her glorious 4 months of life. However, her brother must have seen an owl because he has been a hoot, hoot, HOOT today.

This morning Mommy and Jacer were talking about going to the Dr. and how he was going to help Lexa feel better. So he says, "Mommy, I don't like the number 10".
Ok, he has Mommy's attention. "Why?" she asks. Jace says,"It just makes me nervous."
Mommy has no idea where that came from or what he was talking about but she about fell off her chair.

Miss Lexa in all her 4-Month glory!

Lexa, at 4-months you:

-love to roll from your back to your belly. You do it almost every time Mommy lays you down. Although you hate it at times, it has done wonders for tummy time.

-wear a size 2 diaper. Most of your clothes are 6 months although you still have many 3-6 months as well. You can also still wear plenty of your 0-3 month that about dresses!

-are a smidge under 14 lbs. Mommy would have actually guessed higher but then you were measured. You are 23 3/4 inches long! Such a little shorty. So stuffing 14 lbs. into that short little frame is what is causing all those rolls!

-are a TOTAL Mama's girl right now. Eek, daycare is going to be rough!

-still don't like that bottle but have allowed a few drops to trickle down your throat lately. Mommy has tried everything from various types of bottles and nipples to sippy cups. She even tried putting formula in there to totally separate it from nursing. Eek, daycare is going to be rough....Mommy is sensing a pattern?!?

-sleep 12 hours at night (8 pm-8am)...if you wake up once around 4 or 5 to eat. There are nights you sleep through but then you are typically up and ready to go around 6 or 6:30.

-take 3 naps pretty consistently throughout the day for about an hour each.

-refuse to be held like a baby and love to have people hold you standing up. You can bear all of your weight and think you're are the coolest when you do it.

-still love Jace. It is very obvious you are going to copy everything he does....which may or may not be a good thing!

-love to hear your own voice. Babble, Babble, Babble. Mostly just vowels with a few nnn's and raspberries thrown in here and there!

-are Mommy and Daddy's little princess!!


Check out how much Lexa has changed from 1-month to 4!!

Feeling better after her shots.

Check out those bandaids!

Ok, and just a hair more (no pun intended) from Jace.

As soon as Jace walks in the room at the Dr.'s office he asks the nurse if she is gonna fix his sister. Mommy explained that they were just going to check and make sure she was growing and healthy. Jace then reminded Mommy that he had already been fixed! Oh Jacer!

As Lexa is laying on the table (screaming her head off Mommy might add) getting examined Jace comes over and using his highest pitch says, "It's ok sweetie. Oh Lexa, you are fine. I'm right here".

Ahh, Lexa quite the brother you have!