Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Road Trip and Cereal

Yesterday was a big day. First, Jace and Lexa schemed with their friends Gaige and Carlie to take a roadtrip to a huge playstation. It proved to be worth the drive as Jace and Gaige wore themselves out jumping, sliding, and climbing. Carlie and Lexa were also pooped (at times literally) after all the laying around and eating they did.

The Mommies were also quite happy with the trip as the boys played independently and there was eating and shopping involved. See for yourself!

Playing in the balls. Mommy only got pelted about 400 times.


All this playing will wear a guy out!

The girls doing what they do best...chilling.

4 sleeping children on the way home. Heaven.

Upon returning home there was the issue of supper. Yeah, eating it is always fun but the preparation part gets Mommy every time. Anywho, she worked some magic and decided to let Lexa in on the action too.

Ordinarily, Mommy and Daddy wouldn't have introduced cereal this early but, as you have probably guessed, Lexa is having issues with only wanting food from certain body parts. This isn't too much of a problem now but in a month it is going to get ugly at daycare if she can't eat all day! She is also extremely interested when others are eating real food....like almost to an obsessive point...of course she is Mommy's child. So Mommy thought, why not see how she does with a little bite of her own.

The pictures will tell it all!

1st bite......


Just maybe........

Ahhhh. One fat and happy girl!

Yeah, she loved it. Score one for Mommy.


Anonymous said...

luv to cum on her face like that