Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lexa Elizabeth

Hmmm. Where does Mommy begin? With the dreamy baby or the dreamy labor and delivery?

Ok, labor and delivery, leading up to the dreamy baby.

It all began around 7:30 on Sunday morning when Mommy woke up and was laying in bed. She thought she felt a little trickle but just then Jace woke up and called for her to come and get him. As she was getting ready to take him potty, Daddy joked, What are you wet? Mommy suddenly realized, yes indeedy she was! Mommy's water had broken...or began to break.

Daddy had been planning to run into work so off he went as Mommy continued to leak! She and Jace finished getting everything ready to go until Daddy returned. Jace was dropped off at Davon and Haley's to play and Mommy and Daddy headed to the hospital.

Mommy was officially admitted at 11 am still only having minor contractions....despite the complete mess she made in the car after her water decided to completely break.

By noon or so the pitocin was started to help Mommy's contractions get a little stronger. At this point she was only dilated to 4.

Around 1 pm, Mommy and Daddy settled in to watch UNI...and Mommy's contractions began getting stronger.

Probably around 2 or so Mommy was checked and said to be dilated to 5 and stretchable to 6.

2:45...Mommy decides not to mess around anymore and get the epidural.

Just a little after 3 is when Grandma and Grandpa and Nana arrived. Mommy was just starting to get some wonderful relief from the epidural.

At around 3:45 or so the nurse checked Mommy again and this time she was dilated to 8. The nurse said she would be back later but to let her know if Mommy felt the urge to poo. Seriously, not 5 minutes later Mommy felt the urge. She wasn't sure if she should call the nurse yet but decided what the hay!

So yes, within 5 minutes Mommy was fully dilated and ready to push!

17 minutes later, Miss Lexa was born!(Looking very much like her brother.)

Poor Aunt Erin drove 5 hours to make it for the birth only to miss it by less than an hour. She did get to see little Peanette soon after birth though.

Ok, enough chatter....here are a few pics with more to follow in the coming days. Mommy has plenty.

Mommy's final belly shot just before leaving for the hospital.

7 lb. 5 oz. and 20 inches long.

Jacer meeting Lexa for the first time.

Dr. Bartlett...who delivered both Jace and Lexa.

Sleepy girl

Jace, opening his presents from Lexa. She must have scored big because the kid is in LOVE with his little sister.

Jace, giving Lexa her stuffed bunny from him.

Kissing Lexa

Lexa and Daddy

Checking eachother out

Ok, tons more pics tomorrow...lots of visitors and going home pics!