Monday, March 15, 2010

1 week

Mommy can hardly believe that Miss Lexa is 1 week old already! She is the sweetest, most laid back baby in the world. Mommy has literally only heard her cry to eat...which she likes to do often. She has been waking up 1-2 times per night to eat and sometimes that is when Mommy wakes her!

Jace is doing well with his new sister. He talks to her in a super high pitched voice for a minute or two and then goes back about his business. He is back at daycare 3 days/week just to keep him in some sort of routine. It has been a little tough getting him there since everyone else is staying at home. Once he gets going though he always has a good time....mostly due to seeing his best bud Morgan (she was previously referred to as his girlfriend but now he says she is his best friend).

Mommy and Daddy are both doing well too. Daddy went back to work today but then has a couple more days off before really getting back to the grind. Mommy feels great....she can't believe how much easier the 2nd one is!! The doctors were right when they said the first child paves the way for the rest!

And on to the pictures.....

Meeting Great Grandma Rosie

First bath....ok, she cried then too.


Back at daycare....notice him holding hands with Morgan....this was after they hadn't seen eachother in several days. Mommy is told he was also greeted with a smooch!

Lexa, going to her 2 day checkup. She was down to 6 lb. 13 oz when she left the hospital but was back over 7 lbs 2 days later!

Loving on his sister

More loving

Little Miss

Uncle Keith....Mommy was slacking when Lexa met Aunt Darcy and didn't get a picture.

Hanging with Daddy

Doing what she does best

Jace is loving this....get a new sister=get presents!

Kona is here with Erin and Tom for the week....he and Ozzy are loving it obviously. Kona isn't sure what to think of Erin with a baby though....

Nana with Jace and Lexa

More Nana loving

What's up

And finally.........Mommy's favorite!!


Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

She is a doll! I love her little outfits. Give me a call when you get time and I'll give you a call when I get time. Maybe one time we can actually talk!!