Monday, March 1, 2010

It's March!!!

We all know what that time!!

Jace had a great weekend as he had many visitors. Saturday, Grandma and Fabulous Aunt Kay came up. Unfortunately Mommy was bad and didn't get a single picture! It really is too bad because Jace was sooo excited! Something about that Grandma.....

Sunday, Jacer got to see Aunt Denise and Uncle Chuck from Florida. He decided he would like to paint another wall with Chuck (like they did in Florida this summer) and ride the boat again. He was also spoiled with presents...and Thomas ones no less! Even Miss Peanette got in on the action, receiving several new duds.


Reading his new book with Denise

Group shots

One last pic...just cause they're cute.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for Peanette updates. She sure acts like she wants to come and meet everyone but so far is staying put. Of course, Mommy wants her to bake as long as she needs....but not a moment longer!