Thursday, August 13, 2009

oh no he didn't

Mommy is going to preface this post by reminding JACE of all the warm and fuzzy thoughts she had yesterday after his wonderful first day back at daycare.

Now. Last night was a different story.

Let's begin with Mommy being totally and utterly unable to sleep (that is all for another post...and don't worry you will hear about it). So, Mommy is tossing and turning, moaning and groaning until circa 2:30 a.m. when what does she hear??

A boy! Yes, a small boy in the room next door crying out for her. Now, be not mistaken; Mommy typically has no qualms about telling this small boy (JACE!) to suck it up and go back to sleep. For some reason however, her Mommy instincts kicked in and she could tell this was not going to be an easy fix. He was WIDE AWAKE.

Mommy did what she knew she was going to regret (in future nights) and plopped her pillow and blanket down next to him in order to maintain some sort of sanity for tomorrow's work day. Mommy just knew that her sleeping by Jace would be comforting enough to lull him back to sleep.

Umm. No. First, he got out his DVD's and proceeded to ask 'what's this' 5 MILLION times. That's when Mommy played the 'i'll ignore you card' and rolled over....which in turn, is when Jace jumped ON her, smiling and laughing.

Mommy was not laughing.

So Mommy, in her sternest voice, told him to LAY DOWN! Jace obliged and started twirling Mommy's ponytail. This ensued for another 30-45 minutes and each time Mommy began to relax she would once again be jolted awake by a small hair snapping off her head and into Jace's hand or an elbow or knee in her back.

Approximately 2 hours later Jace declared, 'Mommi, I hungry'. Mommy politely reminded Jace that Momma's kitchen ain't a 24 hour business and to definitely SUCK IT UP!

Finally, Mommy told Jace she was going potty and headed to the couch. Curled up in a small ball with Ozzy stretched out snoring wildly Mommy fell into a deep, peaceful sleep around 4:30 am.