Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Big boys don't cry

Jace had his first day back at daycare today and he didn't miss a beat. Mommy had been filling him in the last few days and he woke up as sharp as ever. Typically in the morning Jace wants to eat toast and play with his toys. Today, he wanted to go upstairs and watch a movie. Huh? Well, little Mr. figured if he was upstairs he couldn't go to daycare! He watched for a little while and was pretty easily persuaded to get in the car. Once he got there it was as if he hadn't been gone for 3 days much less almost 3 months. He did try one more trick in his room....He went to play with his bud Maddox and told Mommy to sit by him. The kid is a problem solver. Mommy declined and left only to come back in the afternoon and discover he had done excellent....even napping!!

After school was so much fun too. Last year Mommy had to ask many questions and would maybe get answers about his day. Today, Jace volunteered that he played in the dirt with Maddox, on the slide with Morgan, and ate peas, cheese, and milk. Unfortunately, he missed afternoon snack time so Mommy (being the pushover she is) got him some M&M's. Ok, maybe it's the chocoholic she is.