Monday, August 24, 2009

Bouncy House Rules

No, this post isn't a list of rules Jace may (or may not) follow. It is in fact about Jace's weekend fun...which included a Bouncy House! He attended his buddy Gaige's birthday party on Saturday with high hopes of eating plenty of cake. He truly is his mother's son as this was literally all he talked about all week (eating cake..he still can't get over the Elmo cake he made). Once he arrived at the party however, cake was all but forgotten. There, looming in the distance was a huge, beautiful, magnificent...BOUNCY HOUSE!
Jace is typically a more cautious child when it comes to things like this. Mommy could not believe her eyes when he threw caution to the wind, got in, and jumped like he had never jumped before. He was in serious heaven and Mommy remembers saying more than once that a bouncy house could be a great investment (he literally jumped for like 2 hours). Imagine the perks: outside, fresh air, a jumping child, a tired child.

Jumping with Gaige

Solo Action

The party-goers

And if you can believe this, Jace got to have even more fun this weekend! Daddy hosted the annual fantasy football draft at Jace's house. This typically consists of 15-20 guys eating, drinking, and being merry in the garage until all hours. This year however, Mommy and Jace had some company as one of the other wives and her son stayed over. Jace enjoyed showing Jacoby (who is 10 months) the ins and outs of Thomas and his trains. Of course there was still much eating, drinking, and being merry going on in the garage...just ask the neighbors.

*please excuse Elmo's feet which seem to have snuck into this pic. Elmo was exhausted and needed to stretch his weary limbs.


Preston and Ashten's World said...

It is a GREAT investment...we have an awesome one for Preston and use it outside in the summer....and inside (in the basement) in the winter!