Wednesday, November 5, 2008

While Daddy is away......Jace and Mommy will play!

Daddy went to the Minnesota Timberwolves game tonight so Mommy and Jace flew solo. Mommy had planned on having cake and cookies for supper but decided it would be great if J actually she ate them after he went to bed! Shhh...don't tell him! Unfortunately Mommy and Jace's day o' fun is not documented because...well, there was nobody to take pics! Here are some other recent picture to scratch your Jace itch!

What up Elmo

Some more of Jace's oh-so-cute new PJ's

Coloring a picture from the book Aunt Erin sent him for Halloween

Another Monday. Blah--Jace really does say Blah! all the time. No idea.

Chillin' reading a book


Preston and Ashten's World said...

Tell your Mommy that Life with a Toddler is nothing compared to life with a Toddler and a's funny how we thought things were tough at times with only P was a breeze!!