Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Elmo's Green Thumb

Jace attended his first theatrical performance last night. It was a definite hit! The only change would be to try and attend an earlier show. The show didn't start until 7:30---a time when the prince has usually been asleep for an hour! Jace plowed through however, and loved every minute of the show! Mommy, being the stellar Mommy that she is, got tickets on pre-order so Jace had a front and center seat! There were about 15 of the Sesame Street characters in the show and many of them came down in front of the stage. Jace was able to high-five several of the stars! By the end, if they were down on the floor dancing, Jace would just stick his hand out so they would come over to him. He never took his eyes off the stage and only wanted to go up there a handful of times....Mommy was a little concerned that being so close, Jace would think he could just run up and hang with Elmo! Jace reminded Mommy of a certain scene from Pretty Woman where Julie Roberts is at the opera. She just stares at the stage the whole time until the end when she claps so hard you think her hands might fall off. This was totally Jace! He was in awe until a song would get over and he would clap like he had never clapped before!! It was a great time and something Mommy would love to do again! This morning was a little different story, as Mommy had to literally shake Jace awake! Poor kid. But, by the time he got to daycare he was his old self and didn't even wave good-bye to Mommy as he found his friends.

Grover, up close and personal!

Sitting with Daddy and his $8 balloon.

Jace was so close to the action!

Clapping like he's never clapped before!

J and Mommy getting ready for the 2nd half

One of the characters saying hi to the girl next to us

Jace's first sno-cone. The remnants are still stained on his face today!

Tired but happy